
All 29 of my posts tagged javascript, dating from 20142024.

2024 8 posts Permalink

2023 7 posts Permalink

Do you know color-scheme?

This post by Sara really helped solidify my understanding of color schemes in the browser, how they affect HTML’s default appearance in browsers, and how we can make use of them in CSS and JavaScript. Lots of useful code examples and imagery to help the detailed explanations!


A handy trick to add a bit of smoothness to animations that Rach Smith calls Lerp, a nickname for Linear Interpolation between two points.

2022 2 posts Permalink

2021 2 posts Permalink

2020 4 posts Permalink

Discovered that I can make custom waveforms for use with my noisy sparklines. Swapped from the humble sine wave to a an "Ahh" sound—like I used to go crazy for on early MIDI keyboards!

2019 2 posts Permalink

Sparkline Sound-Off

I have been following in the footsteps of Jeremy Keith for a few months now. Dotted around my website, now, are sparklines, representing my activity over time. As an added bonus, a little tune based on the sparkline's values plays when you click on it. With a moderate amount of musical theory under my belt, here's how I accomplished that audio delight.

2018 2 posts Permalink

2017 1 post Permalink

2014 1 post Permalink