
A Web Component for building an SVG Sparkline.
There are 12 stargazers on GitHub and it has over 1,550 downloads on npm.

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<svg-sparkline> is a native Web Component that builds a sparkline using SVGs in the element’s shadow root and includes a base set of styles to give it a decent appearance out of the box.

Usage Permalink

You can begin using the <svg-sparkline> Web Component by including a <script> tag in your HTML and setting a values attribute containing comma-separated numbers to build into a sparkline:

<script type="module" src="svg-sparkline.js"></script>

<svg-sparkline values="8,3,2,7,9,1,5,6,4,10,3,8,2,7,1,9"></svg-sparkline>

To prevent <svg-sparkline> from appearing in browsers which either do not support Web Components or have JavaScript disabled, this small snippet of CSS will check if the element has been properly defined (to the browser’s understanding) and apply display: none; if not:

svg-sparkline:not(:defined) {
  display: none;

You may also want to set some dimensions ahead of time to your component to help prevent cumulative layout shift:

svg-sparkline {
  inline-size: 212px;
  block-size: 48px;

  &:is([start-label], [end-label]) {
    block-size: 78px;

There are a number of ways to augment and customise the functionality of the Web Component by attaching attributes to <svg-sparkline>:

option default value description
values Required Controls the name of the data attribute that holds the name of the currently-selected theme.
width 200 Sets the width of the sparkline SVGs.
height 36 Sets the height of the sparkline SVGs.
color currentColor Sets the color of the sparkline lines (and endpoint if not set)
curve false When set to true, will use bezier curves between points instead of straight lines
endpoint true Controls whether or not to show an endpoint
endpoint-color color attribute Sets the color of the endpoint (if visible)
endpoint-width 6 Controls the width/diameter of the endpoint
fill false When set to true, will fill underneath the sparkline with a solid color
gradient false When set to true, will fill underneath the sparkline with a gradient going from the gradient-color to transparent
gradient-color / fill-color color attribute Sets the color of the gradient / fill underneath the sparkline
line-width 2 Controls the width of the stroke used to draw the sparkline
start-label Adds a label that appears on the bottom left of the sparkline
end-label Adds a label that appears on the bottom right of the sparkline
animation-duration 1s Sets the duration of the animation for animated sparklines
animation-delay animation-duration attribute + 1s Sets the delay before the animation for animated sparklines

There are also a handful of CSS variables that you can set which will override the default behaviour and appearance of the sparklines. This is useful if you want to set up some defaults to override all sparklines on your website:

:root {
  /* override the color of the line (and endpoint, if not set) */
  --svg-sparkline-color: red;

  /* override the color of the endpoint */
  --svg-sparkline-endpoint-color: rebeccapurple;

  /* override the color of the gradient/fill for sparklines with either */
  --svg-sparkline-gradient-color: coral;

  /* override the padding around the SVGs and start/end labels */
  --svg-sparkline-padding: 1rem;

  /* override the duration of the animation for animated sparklines */
  --svg-sparkline-animation-duration: 2s;

  /* override the delay before the animation for animated sparklines */
  --svg-sparkline-animation-delay: 2s;

  /* override the delay before drawing the sparkline */
  --svg-sparkline-animation-first-delay: 2s;

  /* override the delay before the endpoint and labels appear */
  --svg-sparkline-animation-second-delay: 2s;

Further Reading Permalink

You can check out the full documentation, source code, demos, and provide feedback and report bugs on GitHub:


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43 Responses

  1. 18 Likes
  2. 11 Reposts
  3. 2 Social Replies
  4. 12 Stargazers