
All 33 of the replies I’ve made, dating from 20182023.

2023 1 post Permalink

in reply to Joining CSSWG by Hidde de Vries

What great news! There’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll not just be useful, but will make a really positive and deeply-appreciated impact on the web. Congratulations!

2022 4 posts Permalink

Happy to announce that I’ve released version 1.0.0 of Eleventy Cache Webmentions! Although it introduces some breaking changes for earlier versions, 1.0.0 makes it a lot easier to attach Webmentions to your pages as data using eleventyComputed. Check out...

in reply to a previous Note

Happy to say the sparklines are going well—pushed an update yesterday, in fact, to allow them to inherit the color of wherever they are in the DOM for the colour of the line itself.
Still working on posting a bit...

2021 1 post Permalink

in reply to a previous Note

Update: still not caught my own tail—I'll get back to that when I find my way out of these rabbit holes, and on that note, I bumped up to 1.708 commits/day as of today.
Continue to do with that information...

2020 6 posts Permalink

in reply to @keithjgrant

Thanks Keith. Aw, this makes me so sad. I hope that we at least get to see a flourishing and full-of-life Hyrule in the sequel. I loved exploring the broken and devastated world in BotW, but I do wish there...

2019 17 posts Permalink

in reply to @justinavery

I'd consider myself a beginner; I found it very approachable, and it strengthened my core JS knowledge, making me more confident to explore more advanced topics. I think it's best to have some basic experience with JS, but that's it!...

in reply to Andy Bell

I've been thinking about this ever since you posted it, and this realisation resonates really strongly with me. Coding is a means to an end for me now, rather than coding for its own sake, and hey, bonus I'm getting...

in reply to a previous Note

I think I'm going to try to make this happen. For a long time I have been building my site on a mostly vanilla Jekyll set-up as an example of a complex site that works on GitHub Pages, but I...

in reply to Ana Rodrigues

I definitely have improvements to make, but at present I use the Twitter API to create a tweet, and I pull the URL of the tweet from the response into the front-matter/YAML of the Jekyll post which I then commit...

in reply to Jacky Alciné

That's totally fair—I think development can and should be a joy wherever possible! I don't think that strict adherence to a standard trumps happiness—I think the opposite—but I do often wonder if there's a middle ground and how to get...

2018 4 posts Permalink