
All 10 of my posts tagged color, dating from 20192023.

2023 2 posts Permalink

Do you know color-scheme?

This post by Sara really helped solidify my understanding of color schemes in the browser, how they affect HTML’s default appearance in browsers, and how we can make use of them in CSS and JavaScript. Lots of useful code examples and imagery to help the detailed explanations!

2021 1 post Permalink

2020 2 posts Permalink

2019 5 posts Permalink

Accessible Color Spaces - Color Contrast Tool

This is such an amazing tool for visualising colour and contrast that'll help you confidently meet your accessibility requirements. It can even provide closest accessible colours, so it really takes away a huge amount of the manual work and difficulty in choosing accessible contrasting colours.

Color Spaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski

“For the longest time we didn’t have to pay a lot of attention to the way we talk about color. The modern display technologies capable of showing more vivid shades have, for better or for worse, changed the rules of the game. Once esoteric ideas like a gamut or a color space are becoming increasingly important.”