
All 20 of my posts tagged indieweb, dating from 20172022.

2022 1 post Permalink

2021 1 post Permalink

2020 1 post Permalink

2019 8 posts Permalink

Reply Targets

Providing a useful context to content written in response to someone else's blog post, tweet, toot, etc. helps a reader to understand the conversational nature of these back-and-forths. What abstractions can we make to the data that holds these reply targets, and how can those abstractions make for a richer reading experience and for a leaner publishing workflow?

Another 🐇 🕳 idea… Input a YouTube channel URL → The channel’s Atom feed is added to your Microsub "YouTube" channel. YouTube subscriptions without a Google account. No idea how original this idea is, but for now I’ve built

in reply to Ana Rodrigues

I definitely have improvements to make, but at present I use the Twitter API to create a tweet, and I pull the URL of the tweet from the response into the front-matter/YAML of the Jekyll post which I then commit...

Up too late, again, working on my latest rabbit hole project. So close!… but got to sleep.


Quill is a simple Micropub client for creating posts on your own website. To use it, your website will need to have a Micropub endpoint, and this app will send requests to it to create posts.

2018 8 posts Permalink

Super pleased to say that I just gave a short presentation about #indieweb to my team at work, and I didn’t butcher the explanation too badly, so everyone’s on-board! Feels great to be a part of this community and welcome...

If this makes it onto Mastodon 👋, it means my Micropub endpoint is syndicating correctly!

2017 1 post Permalink