About me

I’m Chris Burnell, a Canadian Front End Developer / Software Engineer based in Singapore. This is where I think, write, and share my passion for front end development and the web.

I’m looking for work!

After 12 years in London, I made the decision to move to Singapore , and I’m now looking for new work opportunities, and hoping to transition from a Software Engineer into a Developer Relations role (but open to both)!

If you’d like to get in touch, you can contact me, connect with me on LinkedIn, or check out my CV / resumé.

Last updated:

Chris Burnell

Bio Permalink

Chris Burnell is a Canadian Front End Developer / Software Engineer. He was a dedicated volunteer Organiser for the State of the Browser conference from 2018 to 2024, having brought together over 50 leading speakers to the delight of 150+ attendees each year. He’s “Ravenous for CSS”, often found rabbit-hole deep-diving, and his Webmention Plugin for Eleventy helps people connect across the Fediverse and IndieWeb.

Chris Burnell is a Canadian Front End Developer / Software Engineer. He was a dedicated volunteer Organiser for the State of the Browser conference from 2018 to 2024, having brought together over 50 leading speakers to the delight of 150+ attendees each year. He’s “Ravenous for CSS”, often found rabbit-hole deep-diving, and his Webmention Plugin for Eleventy helps people connect across the Fediverse and IndieWeb.
Chris Burnell is a Canadian Front End Developer / Software Engineer. He was a dedicated volunteer Organiser for the [State of the Browser](https://stateofthebrowser.com) conference from 2018 to 2024, having brought together over 50 leading speakers to the delight of 150+ attendees each year. He’s [“Ravenous for CSS”](https://chrisburnell.com/tag/css/), often found [rabbit-hole deep-diving](https://chrisburnell.com/projects/), and his [Webmention Plugin](https://chrisburnell.com/eleventy-cache-webmentions/) for [Eleventy](https://11ty.dev) helps people connect across the [Fediverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse) and [IndieWeb](https://indieweb.org).
Chris Burnell is a Canadian Front End Developer / Software Engineer. He was a dedicated volunteer Organiser for the <a href="https://stateofthebrowser.com">State of the Browser</a> conference from 2018 to 2024, having brought together over 50 leading speakers to the delight of 150+ attendees each year. He’s <a href="https://chrisburnell.com/tag/css/">“Ravenous for CSS”</a>, often found <a href="https://chrisburnell.com/projects/">rabbit-hole deep-diving</a>, and his <a href="https://chrisburnell.com/eleventy-cache-webmentions/">Webmention Plugin</a> for <a href="https://11ty.dev">Eleventy</a> helps people connect across the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse">Fediverse</a> and <a href="https://indieweb.org">IndieWeb</a>.

The Long Version Permalink

a photo of my partner, Rachel, and myself
a photo of my partner, Rachel, and myself

I’m originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, started my career in London, England for 12 years, and now live in Singapore where I’m looking to transition from pure front end development work to a developer relations role.

Although I’ve been building websites since 2006, I’ve had my personal website since 2008, and it’s definitely my favourite thing that I own. My passion for the web drives me to want a better web for tomorrow, and I pursue that through specialising in CSS, design systems, developer relations / education, and technical writing and speaking.

I also feed my passion for the web by continuously finding myself in rabbit hole deep-dives, which involve exhilirating research into something new and exciting to achieve some goal—more often than not, these deep-dives serve as inspiration for my projects.

I also love playing the piano, baking bread from time to time, and playing/DMing Dungeons & Dragons here and there. Check out my Uses page too!

Companies and Organisations I’ve worked with Permalink

Contact Permalink

[email protected]
@[email protected]
[email protected]

You can find me elsewhere on the web through my links page.

Colophon Permalink

This website was built with Eleventy v3.0.0 and the following languages:

  • HTML
  • WebC
  • Markdown
  • Nunjucks
  • CSS & SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • XML
  • YAML

This website also supports Webmentions (powered by Webmention.io), displayed at the bottom of relevant pages using my Eleventy plugin, eleventy-cache-webmentions.

The source code is available for your perusal on GitHub, and each page contains an edit link (in the footer) allowing you to go directly to the page’s source on GitHub.

No large language models were used in any of the writing on this website.