
A Web Component to turn an array of integers into a fun little chart.
There are eight stargazers on GitHub and it has over 3,900 downloads on npm.

I’ve stopped development on this Web Component, but I have made an newer (and better, I think) Sparkline Web Component that I welcome you to check out instead:


Unfortunately, this page requires JavaScript to display sparklines and use the interactive example.

Hey, psst!… You can jump straight down to the examples!

spark-line on GitHub spark-line Releases spark-line License

Installation Permalink

Available on npm:

npm install @chrisburnell/spark-line --save-dev

You can also download it directly from GitHub:


Usage Permalink

This package exposes/makes available a Custom HTML Element I’m calling spark-line. While this requires JavaScript on the front end, it makes the process of invoking and displaying sparklines for X,Y data very simple.

Include spark-line.js in your page however you like, as an import to your existing JS:

import "@chrisburnell/spark-line/spark-line"

Or as its own reference in your HTML:

<script type="module" src="`/spark-line.js"></script>

Then you can start using <spark-line>!

<spark-line values="1,2,3,5,8,13,21"></spark-line>

The element takes a number of attributes:

Values Description
comma-delimited string of integers defines the values of the graph
stroke-width 2 (default) defines the width/thickness of the line as an integer
curve true (default) toggles applying curves (cardinal splines) to the line
endpoint true (default) toggles the display of a point at the end of the line
color currentColor (default) defines the color of the line
endpoint-color color (default) defines the color of the endpoint
points comma-delimited string of integers supercedes endpoint
comma-delimited string of integers representing at which pairing values you want points to appear at
arrays of a length less than the length of the values array will be looped over according to values
colors comma-delimited string of integers supercedes endpoint-color
comma-delimited string of integers representing the colour of the paired points
arrays of a length less than the length of the values array will be looped over according to values
start-label string creates a label before the graph
end-label string creates a label after the graph

is-land Permalink

Since this custom Web Component requires JavaScript to function, it could be a good idea to put it behind some kind of partial hydration. For my site, in particular, I’ve decided to use <is-land>, which works as a framework independent partial hydration islands architecture implementation.

If you wanted to use <is-land> as well, I recommend something like the following as a solid baseline:

<is-land on:visible>
	<spark-line webc:keep :values="this.values" :curve="this.curve" :color="this.color" :colors="this.colors" :endpoint-color="this['endpoint-color']" :points="this.points" :line-width="this['line-width']" :start-label="this['start-label']" :end-label="this['end-label']"></spark-line>

	<template webc:raw data-island="once">
		<script type="module" :src="`/js/components/spark-line.js`"></script>

Examples Permalink










endpoint-color="rebeccapurple" points="0,2,0,1"


points="1" colors="rebeccapurple"

points="1" colors="red,green,blue"


start-label="Start" end-label="End"

Interactive Example Permalink

That’s right! All spark-lines are dynamic out-of-the-box!

You can also send an anonymous reply (using Quill and Comment Parade).

8 Responses

  1. 8 Stargazers