
A Web Component to display an event countdown.
There is one stargazer on GitHub and it has over 400 downloads on npm.

Unfortunately, this Web Component requires JavaScript to function correctly!

CSS Naked Day starts on 9 April @ 00:00:00 UTC+14 and ends on 9 April @ 23:59:59 UTC-12.

CSS Naked Day starts on 9 April 00:00:00 UTC+14 and ends on 9 April 23:59:59 UTC-12.

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Features Permalink

<event-countdown> is a native Web Component that displays a countdown to an event with a start/end time.

Usage Permalink

You start using the <event-countdown> Web Component by including a <script> tag in your HTML:

<script type="module" src="event-countdown.js"></script>

General usage example

All <event-countdown> elements must include both a name and start attribute.

The name attribute represents the name of a given event, and the start attribute is a valid date string (which is fed into new Date()) that represents the start of the event.

<event-countdown name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

With end point

By providing an end attribute (also a valid date string), you can represent a period that the event lasts for.

<event-countdown name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00" end="2024-04-09T23:59:59-12:00"></event-countdown>

Annual events

For events that happen on a specific day and time each year, you can provide an annual attribute. This will force the provided date to the current year, and if the event has already passed, increment the year to display next year’s event countdown.

<event-countdown annual="true" name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

Update frequency

By default, <event-countdown> elements will update their time every 10 minutes or whenever the window/tab loses and gains focus. You can override this by providing an update attribute, which represents the number of seconds between each update.

<event-countdown update="1" name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

You can also disable these updates by setting the update attribute to false.

<event-countdown update="false" name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

Specific division

By default, the time shown in the countdown will cycle through seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years to show an appropriate representation of the remaining/elapsed time.

You can override this by providing a division attribute to force the time shown to be formatted in the given units of time.

<event-countdown division="second" name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

Maximum division

You can also override the maximum unit of time used by providing a max-division attribute. The countdown will only go as high as provided unit of time when displaying the countdown.

<event-countdown max-division="minute" name="CSS Naked Day" start="2024-04-09T00:00:00+14:00"></event-countdown>

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1 Response

  1. 1 Stargazer