
This recipe was published on .

Makes 2.

There is a preheat step in this recipe!

Prep Time:
2 hours 40 minutes
Cooking Time:
10–12 minutes

Ingredients Permalink

Name Amount
ground beef 450 g
ground veal 225 g
ground pork 225 g
onions, diced 1
clove garlic, diced 1
savoury ½ tsp
ground cloves ¼ tsp
ground mustard ⅛ tsp
cinnamon ⅛ tsp
sugar pinch
salt and pepper to taste
uncooked pie crusts 2

Directions Permalink

Combine all ingredients in a heavy pot. Add all ingredients except for the pie crusts and fill pot with water so that it just covers ingredients. Simmer for 1 hour, stirring often.

Begin heating the oven to 175°C/350°F. Let ingredients cool then cover the bottom of two pie plates with dough. Add the cooked ingredients and cover with other two rounds of dough. Make a few incisions into the top of each pie crust to allow steam to escape.

Bake until the tops of the pies are golden brown.

Tourtière is a French Canadian meat pie dish originating from the province of Quebec, usually made with minced pork, veal or beef and potatoes. Wild game is sometimes used. A traditional part of the Christmas réveillon and New Year's Eve meal in Quebec. It is also popular in New Brunswick, and is sold in grocery stores across the rest of Canada all year long.

Tourtière is not exclusive to Quebec. It is a traditional French-Canadian dish served throughout Canada and the bordering areas of the United States. In the New England region of the U.S., especially in Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts (e.g., Chicopee and Attleboro), late 19th and early 20th century, immigrants from Quebec introduced the dish.

There is no one correct filling; the meat depends on what is regionally available. In coastal areas, fish such as salmon is commonly used, whereas pork, beef, rabbit and game are often included inland. The name derives from the vessel in which it was originally cooked, a tourtière.

Tourtière du Lac-Saint-Jean has become the traditional and iconic dish of the region of Saguenay, Quebec, since the Second World War, and it has undergone several metamorphoses.ère

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