Caramel Popcorn

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There is a preheat step in this recipe!

Cooking Time:
75 minutes

Ingredients Permalink

Name Amount
unpopped popcorn 250 mL
margarine 250 mL
brown sugar, packed 500 mL
corn/golden syrup 125 mL
salt 2.5 mL
vanilla extract 2.5 mL
baking soda 1.25 mL

Directions Permalink

  1. Pop the unpopped popcorn and spread on one or more cooking sheets (one 9" x 13" or two 8" x 8").
  2. Combine the margarine, brown sugar, packed, corn/golden syrup, and salt in a pan.
  3. Stir over medium heat until boiling, and boil while stirring for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract and baking soda.
  5. Toss over popcorn and bake for 1 hour at 120°C/250°F, tossing every 15 minutes.

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