Dynamic Heading Borders

This note, part of the writing collection, was published on .

three headings in succession, the second and third containing more words than their previous, accompanied by a thin border under the text, its inline size equal to the inline size of the text plus some arbitrary amount

I found a useful trick for achieving the long-standing design of Level 2 Headings across my website.

For a long time, I’ve had a specific look to the most-common heading in my articles: the Level 2 Heading, or <h2> element. While doing some refactoring recently, in light of many developments on the frontiers of CSS, I found a new way to get the same result with a bit of new CSS that makes understanding what it does a lot clearer, and clarity is always important—if not for your teammates or the wider web’s understanding, at least for future you’s understanding!

Inception Permalink

In essence, what I want is for the borders underneath each heading to be the same width (inline-size) as the text inside, plus a small but consistent amount. I decided to use the relatively-new CSS value, fit-content, to achieve this:

h2 {
	inline-size: fit-content;
	display: flex;
	padding-inline-end: clamp(2.25rem, 0.5rem + 4vw, 4.5rem);
	box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0 #dddddd;

The new heavy-hitter here is the fit-content value that I’m assigning to the inline-size (width). This means that the heading’s box will use the available space as its content grows and will never exceed its computed max-content, or however much space is taken up when its content does not wrap.

Importantly, this allows me to limit the width of the headings without re-assigning the default display: block; of headings, which browsers assign by default, to display: inline-block;, for example. This would achieve the same visual effect for the headings in a vacuum, but if placed around other elements which also have display: inline-block; assigned to them, there’s the possibility that they’ll sit alongside the heading (in the inline axis) rather than headings appear on their own line.

Forced line breaks around headings is already achieved by browser defaults, so I’m much happier relying on that and building progressively on top with fantastically-terse new CSS features like fit-content.

You can read more about fit-content and its brethren, max-content and min-content, on MDN as well as track its progress towards full stability across modern browsers on my Browser Feature Watch page.

Desktop support:

  • Chrome: 22
  • Edge: 79
  • Firefox: 128
  • Opera: 15
  • Safari: 16

Mobile support:

  • Android Browser: 4.4
  • Chrome (Android): 124
  • Firefox (Android): 125
  • Safari (iOS): 16
  • Samsung Internet: 4


Browser support data for intrinsic-width comes from caniuse.com and is up-to-date as of .

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