What are you interested in?

This note, part of the writing collection, was published on and last updated on .

In the world of online self-expression, there’s been a fascinating trend of website authors creating discoverable pages to help others learn about who they are, what they’re thinking about, and more. I’m proposing an addition to these initiatives that helps us discover what people are passionate about.

I’ve added a directory for /interests pages! Read the blog post or visit the directory.

You may or may not be aware of the /about, /ideas, /now, and /uses page initiatives[1] [2], where website authors are encouraged to create pages on their websites at discoverable URLs for expressing who they are, concepts they’re thinking about, what they’re doing presently, and what hardware/software/things they are using (respectively).

Recently, I’ve been ruminating on an additional way to aid in the discoverability of like-minded folks across the web: the /interests page.

This page is, in essence, a place for website authors to list out things they’re passionate about and expound on what it is about those things that excites them. This builds on the idea of what makes clubs, groups, collectives, meetups, conferences, etc. so appealing. There is very little so stimulating as listening to someone eagerly talk about the things that they’re enthusiastic and knowledgable about!

The hope is that our /interests pages can act as a clarion call for others to hear, creating the spark for avid and spirited conversation about topics close to our hearts that we might not have otherwise known were shared.

I’ve kicked things off on my /interests page by listing out some things about tech and web development that I’m passionate about, as well as some of my musical interests, fantasy and sci-fi stuff, video games I enjoy, and food that I could happily eat until the end of time!

I imagine these pages will exist as an ever-evolving document; after all, people are interested in all sorts of things, and it can be really difficult to think of everything that gets you going. Who knows, you might even find new interests as you explore others’ pages too!

I think it’s also important to let people know how to get in touch with you on this page—the whole point is to put a spotlight on what interests you and create the spark for electrifying conversations with others. It’s no secret that people speak the most passionately about things that they’re passionate about, and I find these conversations the most interesting.

I’m excited to learn what you’re passionate and interested in! I’d love if you joined me in creating your own /interests page so we can start kindling the flames of impassioned conversation with like-minded folks across the web!

This post is part of #WeblogPoMo2024 / Weblog Posting Month 2024, a one-month challenge to post as often as possible (daily, ideally) for the duration of May 2024!

Learn more on Anne Sturdivant’s website.

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