
All 150 of my bookmarks, dating from 20162024.

2024 15 posts Permalink


What is it? Weblog Posting Month, 2024! If you use, or otherwise have a personal blog, you should absolutely participate in this month-long blog posting extravaganza!

Some use cases for revert-layer

CSS Layers has been such a boon to wrangling specificity, and it’s really helped me get a better understanding of the CSS I write from a bird’s eye view. So I’m surprised that I’m just learning about revert-layer now, but super glad that this fabulously-comprehensive article by Mayank is what introduced me to it!

CSS Wrapped: 2023!

2023 was unmistakably one of the most exciting bumper years for CSS. This superb post by Una Kravets, Bramus, and Adam Argyle is chock-full of information and editable examples of all the electrifying changes that we saw to CSS last year.

2023 18 posts Permalink

Getting started with View Transitions on multi-page apps

This post really helped me understand just how surprisingly easy it is to start using View Transitions—as quick as a single meta tag in the head to enable fade/opacity transitions—and a slew of other great tips, tricks, and things to watch out for as we prepare for this great new browser feature to become stable!
Gotta love a good Animorphs reference, too.

Do you know color-scheme?

This post by Sara really helped solidify my understanding of color schemes in the browser, how they affect HTML’s default appearance in browsers, and how we can make use of them in CSS and JavaScript. Lots of useful code examples and imagery to help the detailed explanations!


A handy trick to add a bit of smoothness to animations that Rach Smith calls Lerp, a nickname for Linear Interpolation between two points.

Web Design is 95% Typography

“95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.”

2022 10 posts Permalink


Wow, just wow. What an incredible article about Global Positioning System with some delightful interactive demos to help understand complex ideas.

Fluid Type Scale

One of the sharper and cleaner tools for generating fluid font-sizes with just the bells and whistles I need. I love that it spits out CSS Variables and gives you control over naming as well, generating as many steps as you give it. Fantastic!

2021 5 posts Permalink

2020 28 posts Permalink


This is so freaking cool. “Fraidycat is a desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome [you can] use to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose”. Warm, fuzzy, IndieWeb vibes from this one!

Some Imaginary CSS

“The other day I was using CSS grid and custom properties to solve some problems that would have seemed almost impossible only a year or two ago. This made me wonder: What CSS could I be writing in a few years that might seem far-fetched today?”

2019 55 posts Permalink

Accessible Color Spaces - Color Contrast Tool

This is such an amazing tool for visualising colour and contrast that'll help you confidently meet your accessibility requirements. It can even provide closest accessible colours, so it really takes away a huge amount of the manual work and difficulty in choosing accessible contrasting colours.


“Codevember is a challenge for developers to sharpen their creativity and improve their skills. The goal is to build a creative piece of code every day of November.”

vi is a language

Until reading this, I’ve been stumbling around feeling frustrated that I can't seem to find any efficiency in my use of the language. This is exactly what I needed to read to get into and grok vi.

Foreign Rap

Foreignrap is a platform to discover + enjoy international rap music. Run by enthusiasts, we share sounds from across the world for you to enjoy 🙏


If, like me, you’re getting into baking your own bread, there may be no better teacher than Jeremy Cherfas, who’s been baking bread for over 50 years. His website is chock-full of useful information, recipes, and anecdotes to keep your starter forever bubbly.

1% Better • Robin Rendle

This really resonates with me—too often I've planned or been part of planning a big project that fizzles out and burns people out after months. Most of my productivity and positive output has been the outcome of quick, iterative improvements.


Quill is a simple Micropub client for creating posts on your own website. To use it, your website will need to have a Micropub endpoint, and this app will send requests to it to create posts.

Color Spaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski

“For the longest time we didn’t have to pay a lot of attention to the way we talk about color. The modern display technologies capable of showing more vivid shades have, for better or for worse, changed the rules of the game. Once esoteric ideas like a gamut or a color space are becoming increasingly important.”

CSS doesn’t suck

Front end communities have been up-in-arms recently about CSS's shortcomings (and how they compare to JS's shortcomings, for example). I think CSS has been undeservedly been painted in a poor light, but Andy Bell's article had me nodding enthusiastically throughout.

2018 8 posts Permalink

Lynn Fisher’s Portfolio

I wish I could create animations this beautiful. Lynn Fisher demonstrates her god-like abilities with yet another gorgeous portfolio redesign. Check out the archive of her previous designs, too. They're remarkable.

Piano Genie

Piano Genie, an intelligent controller that maps 8-button input to a full 88-key piano in real time, is in some ways reminiscent of video games such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero that are accessible to novice musicians, with the crucial difference that users can freely improvise on Piano Genie rather than re-enacting songs from a fixed repertoire.

2016 11 posts Permalink

IE9 :before font-size bug

Seems there's a bug in Internet Explorer 9 wherein pseudo content (:before and :after content) doesn't get parsed properly in the DOM, so instead of declarations like font-size being applied only once despite multiple occurrences of the rule, but is in fact treated like a child element in each instance.

Polyfill Service

The polyfill service selectively bundles browser polyfills based on the User-Agent header supplied in a request, with the intention of allowing JavaScript and CSS developers to use modern standards in legacy user agents that do not natively support the standard. Think of it like a pair of glasses for your aging browser.