Ravenous for CSS

It’s JS Naked Day!

I’m participating in JS Naked Day with the hope of helping to promote the rule of least power. This means that your browsing experience on this website during the 50 hours that make up JS Naked Day should be identical to one where you have disabled JavaScript in your browser.

This is an excellent exercise in making sure there is a clear separation of concerns between HTML for markup, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity. I highly recommend trying it out and participating yourself!

I’m looking for work!

After 12 years in London, I made the decision to move to Singapore , and I’m now looking for new work opportunities, and hoping to transition from a Software Engineer into a Developer Relations role (but open to both)!

If you’d like to get in touch, you can contact me, connect with me on LinkedIn, or check out my CV / resumé.

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currently attending JS Naked Day

The first iteration of this event and a fun and interesting exercise to make sure I’m applying JavaScript as a progressive enhancement appropriately!

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